As July begins, construction at Pine Rest's Pediatric Center for Behavioral Health is ramping up. Onsite, the underground plumbing is nearly completed, the foundation is rapidly being poured, curbing and sidewalk crews are progressing with efficiency, the new pond is turning into a beautiful landscape as vegetation grows, and the asphalt paving date is in sight. In tandem, exterior walls and steel structural components are being prepared offsite to be added to the project later. Everyone, both off and on-site, is working to produce a quality result at this fundamental stage in construction.
Over the next several weeks, expect to see asphalt poured and several walls erected, an impressive renovation in front of the Van Andel Center as 68th Street is rerouted to improve travel around the building and work around the pond to be approaching completion.
We appreciate the high-quality work being completed onsite by our impressive trade partners. On Friday, June 28 we had a pre-holiday cook-out to celebrate their efforts!